Wednesday, August 23, 2023


Alright, let's dive into the epic saga of this painting adventure. At the outset, I had this genius plan to knock out a "All Prima" masterpiece in one heroic sitting. You know, the kind where you flex your artistic muscles and declare, "Done and dusted!" But, plot twist, time had a good laugh at my expense. Before I could say "proportions and values," I found myself in a labyrinthine quest to nail down those elusive elements. Did I conquer 'em? Well, they're on speaking terms at least, if not best friends forever.

But here's the gem of it all: the final piece isn't a robotic photocopy of reality. Nope, it's my own spin on things. Now, don't get me wrong, if I had an eternity to spare, I might just conjure up a masterpiece that'd make folks question their own existence. But, hey, that's not the name of the game for me.

Imagine my sketchbook as this experimental playground where I'm tossing around ideas like confetti. This time, I went for a more stripped-down color palette – think primary colors having a sophisticated soirée with white, while black sat this one out. But you know what? I'm thinking of giving black a VIP pass to the next bash, just to see how it shakes things up.

Drumroll, please! Behold, my latest artistic escapade, fresh from the creative oven. It's like trying to tame a wild stallion while juggling flaming torches – equal parts thrilling, a tad unpredictable, and without a doubt, one heck of a ride.

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Girls from Bhutan

Here are a set of pictures showing you the process and camera setting for the latest watercolor.I am using a mic stand with a phone clamp to...